Temple Nightclub


Temple Nightclub is located in San Francisco's SOMA district and is one of the largest, and the first green nightclub in the city. The nightclub also features a restaurant, Prana, seriving all organic Asian fusion food. I was brought in to add visual polish to the nightclub and restaurant through advertising, flyers, VIP God and Goddess cards, photography and other promotional materials.

Responsible for creative direction, print production and photography.

Goddess VIP Card The VIP membership card for the girls. This is a 4/4 color, 30mm plastic card with the color portion on the front of the card and with the back of the card in black with the goddess image knocked out to let the light through for extra depth that gives it a slightly holographic look. Each card is individually numbered and has chrome tipped numbering.
God VIP Card The VIP membership card for the guys. This is a 4/4 color, 30mm plastic card with the color portion on the front of the card and with the back of the card in black with the dancing shiva knocked out to let the light through for extra depth that gives it a slightly holographic look. Each card is individually numbered and has chrome tipped numbering.
Dancing Shiva Paths To create these cards very detailed masks had to be created by hand. This shows the original photo and the number of points required to create the mask
Prana Discount Card Temple Nightclub is a green venue and within it has a restaurant called Prana that extends these values through the all organic Asian fusion cuisine served. The discount cards tie into the seed packets project and turn the Prana "P" into leaves growing on a plant to reenforce the green nature of the business.
Seed Packets The artwork for a seed packet containing a mix of wild flower seeds to help beautify the environment and part of Temple Nightclub's commitment to being a green business. These packets were handed out at the How Weird Street Fair and other events.
SF Bay Guardian Advertisement This ad was produced to showcase the combination restaurant and nightclub that Temple offers.
Prana Cuisine - Before and After I staged a dining setting inside Prana to showcase the dining experience. Extensive retouching and editing was required to bring the photography to life while not altering the true nature of the environment.
Dining at Prana I staged a dining setting inside Prana to showcase the dining experience. Extensive retouching and editing was required to bring the photography to life while not altering the true nature of the environment.
Kid Cudi This was the first of a series of "Temple Presents" flyers based off this template. The owner of Temple wanted mystic, cosmic, and modern themes incorparted along with the logo being very prominent.
Haunted Temple The flyer for the halloween party featuring a custom designed identity for the party.
Haunted Temple Typographic Identity The typographic identity I created for the halloween party