Eventbrite // My Tickets

The My Tickets section of Eventbrite is part of the attendee experience and the homepage for an attendee, once logged in, to see a list of events they are attending, or have attended in the past. The update to this section was focused on two goals – redesigning ticket management and adding recommended events. The switch to an attendee vs event holder focus changed the global navigation for an attendee that had no created an event into "Home" as this was the attendee home where all ticket management occurred. When logged in as an event holder (having created an event) this section is listed as "My Tickets" in the navigation.

Event recommendation leveraged prior ticket purchases to suggest other events the attendee might be interested in. The goal of these recommendations was to drive event discovery and with it – increased ticket sales. To improve the recommendations, the ability to mark an event as interesting, or not, helped provide better results.

The list of tickets was redesigned to add an "Interested" section that would track all the events a user was interested in via the recommendations, but not actually attending. Originally the actions able to be performed on each event being attended was handled through small icons that had no text labels which caused confusion. To remedy this issue I created the design to have buttons with the action each would perform. All of the actions able to be performed were redesigned in this same manner.

I was responsible for the front end build, visual design, interaction design, UX, and specification document. The screenshots provided are my original work used to construct the specification document and build out from.

Default View Upon attendee login, or clicking on My Tickets as an event holder, this is the default view for My Tickets. This shows events recommended and events the attendee currently as tickets to.
Add To Calendar This dialogue made it easy to add the event information to Outlook, Google, Yahoo!, and iCal calendaring systems.
Print Tickets Ticket printing is the most important function. Most calls to support were in regards to emails containing tickets being misplaced and tickets needing to be printed. This works in both Current Events and Past Events to print, or re-print, tickets to the event.
Share This Event Events are easily shared across multiple social sites, but with Facebook Connect the process is greatly simplified
Share This Event - Post to Facebook Once the attendee connected to Facebook the event details could be shared to their newsfeed with an option to add a personal note about the event
Ticket Management - Update Attendee Information Each ticket purchased has a name, and other data collected, attached to it. Updates and changes to his information occurs here.
Ticket Management - View Order Confirmation The confirmation information is displayed here and provides easy access to the order confirmation number which is used by customer support and the event holder.
View Map If the event has a physical location, and the address is provided by the event holder, a map will be displayed along with the venue name, if any, and address.
Events Marked as "Interested" Events that appeared in the event recommendation could be marked as "interested" and a decision to attend made later. This is the section where all events marked as such could be viewed, purchase tickets to, or remove the event from the list
Past Events This shows a list of events previously attended and the actions available for these events. "Share This Event" is removed as the event has passed. This screenshot also demonstrates pagination functionality.
Past Events - Ticket Management The only option under "Ticket Management" for a past event is viewing the Event Confirmation in the event a receipt is needed at a later date.
Past Events - View Map The map of the event location, if there is a physical location provided.
Before Eventbrite Before I worked for Eventbrite, and before I had even had an in person interview, I was tasked with redesigning the My Tickets section in less than an hour. I added in event recommendations, brought search into focus, and added a calendar to track what days I had events I was attending. This prefaces a lot of the work I would create later.
Old Design This is how My Tickets appeared before I worked at Eventbrite.