Ping Identity // Application Catalog

I worked 1:1 with the PM on this project from when it was only at the ask stage. Ping has had a form of this known as "Cloud Desktop" previously and "the dock" that most customers see. Both were in dire need of updating and to bring more control and customization to what's simply an application launcher. I created a wireframe showing what I wanted to see happen and then the PM and I worked on creating requirements around that. All of the UX and design was done by me and managed this project to make sure what was designed is what was built for both desktop and web working directly with front end devs and backend devs over Slack. Everyone was proud of the results and even at points where I got the "does this really matter?" comment I pushed them to find a solution and get back to me. The result was these folks seeing things through the lens of a product designer and how little goofs add up to a broken experience. Details matter and it has to look polished, but also behave as expected.

The Application Catalog Desktop View This is showing how a user has started a search and we display matching applications as they type. They can launch them from that dropdown, but can also pin them to the section up top for easier access later.
Application Catalog Mobile Web The mobile view offers all the same functionality as desktop due to us making that a requirement from the beginning. This helped keep the functionality in check and very simple as this is a general user facing service. I wanted this to be as non-enterprise-y as possible and more consumer since that's the majority of users.
Brandable When creating this I wanted to make sure simple branding could be easily applied and provide enough flexibility for the admin.