Viddyou Inc.


Viddyou Inc. was a premium personal video service launched in April, 2006. Viddyou was the first to bring 1080HD (High-Definition) video to personal video and has continued to innovate bringing high-resolution and high-bitrate quality video wrapped in an intuitive user-interface.

Although Viddyou was an online tech company the "vy" identity was designed to be a fashion label so that no one, including the founders, would be embarrassed to wear the logo on clothing or have it scream cliché tech logo.

As the Co-Founder//Creative Director of Viddyou I created everything from the functional spec, UX//UI//Visual and Interaction design, to the front-end development, business cards, identity system, and marketing materials.

Viddyou was acquired by Motionbox in 2009 and is now owned by Hewlett Packard.

Home The homepage featuring popular videos, recently active users, and a quick account creation flow
User Home Where the user can upload, record direct to the server in real-time, view recent comments and recent videos from their friends
Profile Page The profile page was a personal space for sharing personal details, other sites liked, who you were friends with and what communities you were a part of. If the person had a Flickr account we pulled in their public photostream.
Viddstream The unified interface for viewing and interacting with videos
Viddyou HD Player Viddyou was the first to bring functional 1080p full HD via this lightweight modern player
Privacy Groups Privacy was very important and the creation of privacy groups allowed people to create their own custom groupings of their friends according to trust levels. These privacy groups were then selectable upon uploading or recording a video and only those with permission could view. This was 2007, long before "G+ Circles" and Facebook "Friend Groups" existed.
Messaging: Inbox Viddyou had an internal messaging service that enabled users to communicate with each other.
Messaging: New Message Creating a new message was a simple click-to-select addressee selection interface.
Messaging: Response The message response view.
iPhone App Viddyou was the first to offer an iPhone optimized video site with all video in h.264 and a native iOS interface. This was built upon the IUI framework and heavily modified to match the Viddyou UI.
Facebook App Viddyou was again the first personal video service to launch on the new Facebook Application platform. The Viddyou app on Facebook had all of the core functionality from on-site recording of video directly through the webcam to watching all of the user's friends videos. When installed the latest publicly posted video (private videos would not show) was posted to a custom player that appeared in the news feed.